Why Nepali People?

Why Nepali People?

1-Nepalese are calm people by nature, beliefs and upbringing.

2-Because they worship people, animals and nature, they have endless respect for all beings around them.

3- Since the physical location of the country is mountainous, they are used to harsh working conditions. They maintain their determination in difficult and difficult jobs, do not run away from the given job and do not show dissatisfaction.

4-Nepal is called Gurkha land all over the world, Gurkha soldiers are famous for their bravery and fighting spirit. Nepalese people are famous all over the world with their brave nature.

5-80% of the people are engaged in agriculture. Nepalis, who are among the poorest countries in the world, know how to make do with less.

6-Due to their beliefs and lives, they love animals very much and are not afraid of them.

7- Children and babies are very valuable in Nepal, where human values ​​are at the forefront.

8-Nepalis with large families live together in the same house, from big to small. For this reason, respect, love and tolerance never diminish in their homes.

9- Nepalis who know how to settle for less are generally happy people.

10-People from Nepal, who receive a lot of tourists to the country, are very friendly and helpful people.

11-They are very attached to their culture and practice and preserve their traditions as much as they can.

12-Nepal official language is Nepali. The second language spoken in Nepal is English and English is taught to students in schools. For this reason, most of the people speak intermediate level English.